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NameEmailPhD ProgramResearch InterestPublications
Free, Meghan

Pathobiology & Translational Science

Autoimmune Disorders, Disease, Human Subjects Research, Immunology, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Pathology, Translational Medicine

My research focuses on understanding the immunological underpinnings of autoimmune disease, specifically anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA) vasculitis. We examine CD4+ T cells in the context of disease onset, remission, relapse, and long-term remission off therapy. By studying both autoreactive T cells and regulatory T cells, we aim to create biomarkers of disease activity and potential new targets for immunotherapy.

Sparkenbaugh, Erica

Pathobiology & Translational Science

Cell Signaling, Genetic Basis of Disease, Hematology, Immunology, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

The broad goal in my laboratory is to investigate crosstalk between coagulation and inflammation in animal models of disease. My primary interest is sickle cell disease, a blood disorder caused by a hemoglobin mutation that results in sickling of red blood cells. The primary complications of sickle cell disease are anemia and vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC), as well as chronic inflammation and coagulation activation. VOC is caused by the formation of multicellular aggregates between neutrophils, platelets, sickle red blood cells and the endothelium that is due, in part, to thrombin-dependent activation of protease activated receptor 1 (PAR-1). We are currently investigating how biased agonism of PAR1 with activated protein C (APC) can beneficially influence vaso-occlusive crisis and other pathologies in sickle cell disease. We use a variety of tools, such as transgenic mice, clinically relevant pharmacologic inhibitors, and molecular and cellular biology techniques to study the role of coagulation proteases and protease activated receptors in health and disease.

Carmichael, Iain

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Pathobiology & Translational Science

Bioinformatics, Cancer Biology, Cancer Genomics, Computational Biology, Medical Imaging, Pathology, Quantitative Biology, Translational Medicine

My lab builds data driven, computational systems to analyze high-resolution histology images of diseased tissue as well as other clinical data sources to improve clinical decision making and advance basic scientific investigation of disease processes.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, computer vision/medical image analysis, natural language processing, deep-learning, open-source software, multi-omic analysis, digital pathology, multiplex immunofluorescence, spatial transcriptomics, cancer

Schrank, Travis


Pathobiology & Translational Science

Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Cancer Signaling & Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, Computational Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Biology, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Translational Medicine, Virology

I am a surgeon-scientist specialized in head and neck cancers. My goal is to address translationalquestions with genomic data and bioinformatic methods, as well as benchtop experimentation. My clinical practice as a head and neck cancer surgeon also influences my research by helping me seek solutions to problems that will directly inform gaps in the current treatment protocols.

I have developed a strong interest in HPV genomics as well as HPV/host genome integrations, as these factors are intrinsically related to transcriptional diversity and patient outcomes in HPV-associated head and neck cancers. Our work has helped to demonstrate that a novel mechanism of HPV-mediated oncogenesis requiring NF-kB activation is present in nearly 50% of oropharyngeal tumors. In this vein, we are aggressively investigating the cellular interplay between the NF-kB pathway and persistent HPV infection, tumor radiation response, NRF2 signaling, and more.

Another outgrowth of this work has been investigating APOBEC3B and its non-canonical roles in regulating transcription. Our preliminary work has demonstrated that APOBEC3B has surprisingly strong transcriptional effects in HPV+ HNSCC cells and may promote oncogenesis and tumor maintenance by suppressing the innate immune response and influencing the HPV viral lifecycle.

Our group also have a strong interest in translational genomic studies. Our group is working to develop methods that will make gene expression-based biomarkers more successful in the clinic, as well as studying many aspects of genomic alterations that contribute to the development of squamous cell carcinomas.

Peng, Aimin

Cell Biology & Physiology, Oral & Craniofacial Biomedicine, Pathobiology & Translational Science

Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Cancer Preclinical Models, Cancer Signaling & Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Cell Cycle, Drug Discovery

Our overarching goal is to delineate how cells respond to cancer therapeutics that induce DNA damage, and, accordingly, to develop new strategies that overcome treatment resistance in cancer, including head and neck cancer. To achieve this goal, we study new mechanisms of the cell cycle and DNA repair using comprehensive experimental systems; we investigate the involvement of these mechanisms in oral cancer progression and resistance; and we develop new therapeutics using cellular, biochemical, and pharmacological approaches.

Yates, Melinda


Pathobiology & Translational Science

Cancer Biology, Cancer Genomics, Cancer Preclinical Models, Cancer Signaling & Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Translational Medicine

Our translational research lab is focused on the earliest changes that occur in the uterus (endometrium) during cancer development related to obesity and hereditary DNA repair defects. We use preclinical tools (rodents, organoids, and cell lines) to probe mechanisms of endometrial cancer pathogenesis, in parallel with human tissue studies. Our overall goal is to understand how environmental factors, including obesity, hormones, and other exposures, influence endometrial cancer development and disparities so that we can use pharmacologic agents to prevent or reverse cancer development.

Starbird, Chrystal


Biochemistry & Biophysics, Pathobiology & Translational Science

Cancer Signaling & Biochemistry, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Structural Biology

Our lab is interested in understanding the structural basis for activation of cell surface receptors. Using a combination of biochemistry, structural biology and cell biology, we seek to understand how the membrane environment and receptor:ligand interactions are modulated to generate the wide diversity of signaling regulated by these receptors, and how these interactions are modified in disease.

Kim, Boa

Cell Biology & Physiology, Pathobiology & Translational Science

Cardiovascular Biology, Cardiovascular Disease, Cell Biology, Metabolism, Microscopy, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Physiology

Endothelial cells, which comprise the innermost wall of all blood vessels, are involved in a broad range of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases that represent a global challenge with high morbidity. Endothelial cell metabolism is an active process, and altered endothelial metabolism drive disease progression. The research in my lab focuses on the molecular mechanisms of endothelial cell metabolism and how they affect cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Good, Misty

Microbiology & Immunology, Pathobiology & Translational Science

Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Gastrointestinal Biology, Human Subjects Research, Immunology, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Pathogenesis & Infection, Stem Cells

The Good Laboratory is focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of a devastating intestinal disease primarily affecting premature infants called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). The long-term goal of the Good Lab is to understand the signaling pathways regulating the uncontrolled immune response in NEC and how these responses can be prevented through dietary modifications or targeted intestinal epithelial therapies. Her basic and translational research utilizes a bench-to-bedside approach with multiple cutting-edge techniques. In her pre-clinical studies, their team utilizes a humanized neonatal mouse model of NEC to understand the signaling pathways and immune cell responses involved in NEC development. Specifically, the laboratory interrogates ways to modulate the immune response, epithelial cell and stem cell regeneration as well as early microbial colonization during NEC. In the clinical component of her research program, Dr. Good leads a large multi-center NEC biorepository for the dedicated pursuit of molecular indicators of disease and to gain greater pathophysiologic insights during NEC in humans. Dr. Good also developed a premature infant intestine-on-a-chip model to study NEC and provide a personalized medicine approach to test new therapeutics. Her laboratory is currently funded with multiple NIH R01 grants and has previously received K08 and R03 funding as well as awards from the March of Dimes, the Gerber Foundation and the NEC Society.

Wang, Jeremy

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Pathobiology & Translational Science

Bioinformatics, Cancer Genomics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Microbiome

Our research focuses on long-read (single-molecule) sequencing and informatics. We develop novel methods to enable more efficient *omic analysis and apply carefully architected high-performance computing approaches to improve the utility of genomics in studies of human diseases, including infectious disease, cancer, and GI. Ongoing work includes genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2, MPXV, and antibiotic resistance; classification of pediatric leukemias and solid tumors in low-resource settings using nanopore transcriptome sequencing; and metagenomics/metataxonomics of mucosa-associated microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases.