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Yap, Pew-Thian

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

Aging/Alzheimer's, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Brain Development, Developmental Disorders, Human Subjects Research, Medical Imaging, Neurobiology, Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Dr. Pew-Thian Yap is a Professor of the Department of Radiology and the Director of the Image Analysis Core of the Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He leads a wide range of research spanning image acquisition, reconstruction, quality control, harmonization, processing, and analysis with applications in neuroscience, disease diagnosis, and surgical planning.

Haendel, Melissa

Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Genetics & Molecular Biology

Bioinformatics, Developmental Biology, Developmental Disorders, Genetic Basis of Disease, Genetics, Human Subjects Research, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Translational Medicine

The Translational and Integrative Sciences Laboratory (TISLab) aims to weave together healthcare systems, basic science research, and patient generated data through development of data integration technologies and innovative data capture strategies. Our research focuses on the development of semantic technologies for data harmonization and analytics, such as ontologies, knowledge graphs, and data models. We leverage these semantic resources to standardize phenotypic information coming from clinical encounters, model and veterinary species, and directly from patients.

As part of a longstanding international consortium called the Monarch Initiative, we utilize structured phenotype data to integrate of genotype-phenotype data across species to improve rare disease diagnosis, mechanism discovery, and to identify treatments. We work with a number of rare disease communities around the world with the goal of making our data standards available for everyone and translated into different languages so that everyone can have access to the same knowledge and have the same chance for a diagnosis.

We are passionate about environmental health and understanding new ways of making environmental and nutrition data computable alongside clinical data. For example, we have integrated patient nutrition survey data together with basic research knowledge to reveal dietary risk factors of women’s reproductive disorders. We recently obtained funding to create an atlas for toxicological experiments and phenotypic outcomes in the zebrafish. TISLab has also recently created a veterinary One Health program, which focuses on understanding health influences affecting veterinary species together with their pet parents.

During Covid, we led a national initiative to harmonize Electronic Health Record data to aid discovery analytics, called the National Covid Cohort Collaborative (N3C). The N3C is now the largest publicly available HIPAA-limited dataset in US history, and has ~5,000 users. We have studied long-Covid, advised the White House and governor’s offices, and have won the NIH/FASEB DataWorks! Grand prize for our work on N3C. We also lead the Center for Linkage and Aquisition of Data (CLAD) for the All of Us Research Program. The CLAD aims to link passive data streams such as insurance claims, mortality, and environmental data to program participants to provide a more comprehensive picture of their health trajectories.

We have produced several global standards, such as the Human Phenotype Ontology, Phenopackets (Global Alliance for Genomics and Health and ISO certified), Mondo, and LinkML. We regularly attend the American Medical Informatics Association, the American Association of Human Genetics, the International Biocuration Society, and the Bioinformatics Open Source at ISMB conferences. TISLab members come from a wide variety of of scientific backgrounds and interests, making us effective partners in translational science and collaborative analytics.

Edwards, Whitney


Cell Biology & Physiology

Cardiovascular Biology, Cardiovascular Disease, Cell Biology, Cell Signaling, Developmental Biology, Developmental Disorders, Disease, Genetic Basis of Disease, Metabolism, Molecular Biology, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

Our lab aims to identify the fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying heart development and congenital heart disease. Our multifaceted approach includes primary cardiac cell culture, genetic mouse models, biochemical/molecular studies, and transcriptomics. Additionally, we employ proteomics-based methods to investigate 1) protein expression dynamics, 2) protein interaction networks, and 3) post-translational modifications (PTMs) in heart development. Current research projects focus on investigating the function of two essential PTMs in cardiogenesis: protein prenylation and palmitoylation.

Guardia, Charly

Cell Biology & Physiology

Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Developmental Disorders, Disease, Metabolism, Microscopy/Imaging, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Physiology, Structural Biology

The human placenta is the first organ to develop after fertilization and is the least studied! We hope to change this by using a multidisciplinary approach. From iPSC-derived trophoblasts in culture to mouse models and human placenta tissue, the Placental Cell Biology Group at NIEHS answers fundamental questions about placenta cell and developmental biology. Our lab uses a range of microscopy (cryo-EM, fluorescence), recombinant protein production, and -omics techniques. The goal of our research is to understand how autophagy controls placenta development, differentiation, and function.