Life in Graduate School
Life in Graduate School
You may be wondering what graduate school at UNC will be like and how it might be different from previous research experiences you’ve had. Or you may want to show family and friends what you’ll be doing for the next 5+ years. Here are a couple of resources we’ve prepared to help.
360 Virtual Tour Led by Current BBSP Students
What our Current Grad Students Have to Say
Why I Chose BBSP…
Housing Tours
Lab Tours
Fun Outside the Lab!
Additional Videos and Resources
Life as a Biomedical Graduate Student at UNC: Check out our video featuring some of our current students describing what life at UNC is like. This video is another great resource to share with your friends and family if they are curious what it means to be a graduate student in the biosciences.
Novice Guide to Graduate School [pdf]: This guide was developed by the graduate student members of the Professional Development Committee for the UNC Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD). It includes a PhD Glossary of commonly used terms and answers to Frequently Asked Questions. The guide was written for an audience that knows very little about science culture and graduate school so that you can also share it with your family and friends.