PhD Programs
PhD Programs
Broad Range of Programs
As a BBSP student you have access to 15 PhD programs. BBSP students do not formally commit to a specific PhD program until after the rotations are complete. As a result, you will have access to coursework and faculty in any of these programs during your first year. Each of our 15 PhD programs are built around core academic and research strengths of our faculty and aim to train students to become experts in that field. Read more about each program using the navigation menu to the left.
Choose Your Path
If you have a few programs of interest, you can chart a first year training path that allows you to experience those programs before deciding on a dissertation lab and PhD program home. If you arrive at UNC knowing exactly what you want to do, you can start on the program requirements right away and waste no time. The choice is yours!
Affiliated Program: Biomedical Engineering
Some faculty in the UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering are part of BBSP, though students will still complete a degree in one of our 15 PhD programs rather than Biomedical Engineering. Students hoping to pursue a graduate degree in Biomedical Engineering should apply through that program directly.
Additional Training Opportunities
In addition to these 15 PhD programs, UNC has a number of specialized training programs supported by federally funded training grants that provide additional training that complements the PhD. These programs focus on research strengths at UNC including (but not limited to) Biophysics, Chromatin and Epigenetics, Vascular Biology, and Virology. For more information about these additional training opportunities, please visit our Specialized Training Tracks page.