Virtual Recruitment Visits
BBSP Virtual Recruitment Visits
All times Eastern Standard Time (EST)
*Each applicant will have 4 interviews and the remaining slots will be free time. The interview times will be emailed in a personalize agenda.
12:30-1:30pm BBSP Introduction Session on Zoom
1:45-2:15pm Interview Slot*
2:00-3:00pm Optional Drop-in Q&A Session (hosted by current students)
2:30-3:00pm Interview Slot*
3:00-4:00pm Optional Drop-in Q&A Session (hosted by current students)
3:15-3:45pm Interview Slot*
4:00-4:30pm Interview Slot*
4:35-5:45pm UNC Department Chair’s Perspective on Zoom
9:00-9:30am Interview Slot*
9:00-10:00am Optional Drop-in Q&A Session (hosted by current students)
9:45-10:15am Interview Slot*
10:00-11:00am Optional Drop-in Q&A Session (hosted by current students)
10:30-11:00am Interview Slot*
11:15-11:45am Interview Slot*
11:45-12:15pm Presentation on career and professional development opportunities for UNC graduate students on Zoom.
12:30-1:45pm PhD Program Informational Session on Zoom.
1:45-2:15pm Interview Slot*
2:30-3:00pm Interview Slot*
3:15-4:45pm Student Panel and Breakout Room Session.
4:45pm Closing Session